We offer personalized, friendly assistance with planning and hosting your golf outing. Our goal is to help you create a successful, enjoyable outing experience.


Discounted green fees are offered (based on the number of golfers).
Tee time and shotgun formats are available.
Hole contests pins and score sheets provided.
Assistance with outing promotion offered.
​Lakeside golf certificates donated for prizes (based on the number of golfers.)

Catering & Facilities

​Lakeside offers catering for lunch on the turn and other catering services.
A pavilion and outdoor patio accommodate both small and large outings. Both are available during weekdays and weekends.
Walk-in cooler and other refrigeration accessible.
Table covering provided.

Schedule your event today!

​Outing dates available for 2024.
For additional information, scheduling and outing proposal, contact:
Club House Manager, Becky
Phone: 330.547.2797
Email: Lakeside57@yahoo.com